【JSNC無料ウェビナー】The Politics of Steel: Nippon Steel’s Fight to Acquire U.S. Steel(2月21日開催)
弊社代表の渡邊がボードメンバー及び日本事務所代表を務めるJapan Society of Northern Californiaではこの度、日本製鉄とUSスチールの経営統合を取り巻く政治状況に関するハイブリッド形式(日本からはオンラインで参加頂けます)でのイベントを実施します。米国政府や連邦裁判所をクライアントとする国際貿易および国家安全保障を専門とする弁護士と、スタンフォード大学研究員兼講師で2023年まで米国通商代表部の上級官僚を務めた日米通商問題の専門家を講師として迎え、今回の買収の何が問題だったのか、次のステップは何なのか、そして米国で製造業への投資を検討している外国人投資家にとってこの問題は何を意味するのかなど、お二方の講演とパネルディスカッションを通じて議論します。
- 日時 :
- 2025年2月21日金曜日 8:00~9:30
- 参加費 :
- 無料(事前申し込み必須)
- 言語 :
- 英語
- 講師 :
Mr. Kenneth J. Nunnenkamp | Partner, Morgan Lewis
Ken Nunnenkamp represents clients in international trade and national security matters before United States federal courts and government agencies, including the US departments of State, Commerce, Homeland Security, Defense, and Treasury. Ken is the leader of the Morgan Lewis CFIUS working group. His practice involves internal investigations and disclosures, including voluntary disclosures and responding to government demands, as well as federal court defense against government actions. He also advises on compliance counseling and training, transactional due diligence–including both domestic and cross-border transactions–and statutory submissions to US government agencies.
Michael Beeman | Author, Lecturer & Former US Trade Official (Trade, Economics, Political Affairs)
Dr. Beeman served as a senior trade official at the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative for over 16 years, most recently as the Assistant U.S. Trade Representative for Japan, Korea and APEC from 2017-23 during which he led the negotiation for the U.S.-Japan Trade Agreement and the renegotiation of the U.S.-Korea Free Trade Agreement. From 2023-24, he was a Visiting Scholar and Lecturer at Stanford University. He received his DPhil in Politics from the University of Oxford in 1998 and is the author of Walking Out: America’s New Trade Policy in the Asia-Pacific and Beyond (2024). - モデレーター :
Larry Greenwood | Board Chair, Japan Society of Northern California & Senior Advisor, BowerGroupAsia
Larry Greenwood is a consultant advising on government relations and international economic policy, with expertise in trade, finance, development, and Asia. Larry was a career diplomat from 1976 to 2006 and served in a variety of positions in the State Department in Washington, D.C., and at U.S. embassies in Manila, Dakar, Tokyo, and Singapore. After retiring from the Foreign Service, he worked as vice president at the Asian Development Bank in Manila, Philippines, where he oversaw loan and grant operations in East and Southeast Asia and the Pacific Island countries, and as Senior Managing Director for government relations in Asia for MetLife based in Tokyo. After moving to the Bay Area in 2015 he joined the BowerGroupAsia and served as President of the Japan Society of Northern California from 2016-2019. - 申込/詳細 :
- こちらからお申込みください(外部サイトへ遷移します)
【JSNC無料ウェビナー】The Politics of Steel: Nippon Steel’s Fight to Acquire U.S. Steel(2月21日開催)
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